
Reflexology is suitable for all ages and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. After you have completed a course of reflexology treatment for a specific condition, many people find it beneficial to continue with regular treatments in order to maintain health and well-being.

35 min - €40

Feet massage

55 min - €60



Reflexology Massage dates back to Ancient Egypt, India, and China, it wasn’t until 1913 that Dr. William Fitzgerald introduced this therapy to the West as ‘zone therapy’. He noted that reflex areas on the feet and hands were linked to other areas and organs of the body within the same zone.

In the 1930’s Eunice Ingham further developed this zone theory into what is now known as reflexology. She observed that congestion or tension in any part of the foot is mirrored in the corresponding part of the body. Reflexology is a complementary therapy, which works on the feet to help heal the whole person not just the prevailing symptoms.

Reflexology can be used to help restore and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium. This gentle therapy encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance.

Reflexology massage has been shown to be effective for:

  • Back Pain
  • Migraine
  • Infertility
  • Arthritis
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Sports injuries
  • Digestive disorders
  • Stress-related conditions

Reflexology is suitable for all ages and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. After you have completed a course of reflexology treatment for a specific condition, many people find it beneficial to continue with regular treatments in order to maintain health and well-being.

While many people use reflexology as a way of relaxing the mind and body and counteracting stress, at the same time many doctors, consultants, and other health care professionals recognize reflexology as a well established, respected, and effective therapy.

With ever-increasing levels of stress, it is important people take more responsibility for their own health care needs. Reflexology helps us to cope on a physical, mental, and emotional level thereby encouraging us to heal and maintain health in all areas of our lives.




Reflexology is known to open neural pathways and flood the nervous system with neuron activity which puts the body in a more relaxed state. By delivering an abundance of relaxation in your system, reflexology can induce a state of calm throughout your body and mind. By employing this phenomenon, reflexology can be used to cure sleep disorders such as Insomnia and help your body get back to its normal, healthy circadian rhythms.

Improvement of your Nerve Functions

As bodies age, the nerve endings become less and less sensitive in the extremity parts of our body. Opening up and cleaning out neural pathways can help improve the functionality and flexibility of nerves and cells in various organs in the body. Neural passageways are essentially like muscles, it is extremely beneficial and crucial to your health to keep them active.

Improvement of your Brain Power

By stimulating your nerves and opening your neural pathways, information flows much faster and more effectively to your brain which would help your brain to handle the process the information faster which would result in much faster cognitive and physical reactions and a boost in your memory.

Increased blood circulation in your body

Effectively the most well-known benefit of the reflexology is an improvement in blood circulation throughout your body, which means that blood along with oxygen gets cycled and delivered through the body more efficiently. Improvement in circulation also means more oxygen reaching the vital organ systems which optimize their functioning and further increases metabolism. The deliverance of oxygen through the body also results in faster healing and re-growth of damaged cells.

Eliminating your body’s toxins

By improving the blood circulation, Reflexology improves the bladder function and that helps reduce the possibility of urinary tract issues. This results in a more efficient system of eliminating toxins and other foreign elements, thereby protecting your body from various diseases and health conditions that can often happen as a result of a compromised urinary system.

Boosting your metabolism & energy level

A proper reflexology session can improve the functionality of many organs in your body which would result in higher metabolism which in return helps with creating more energy in your body.

Reducing your headaches

One of the most common applications of reflexology is to reduce the severity of migraines and headaches by relieving tension in the muscles that often result in such conditions. Since stress and psychological factors often manifest in the physical symptoms of a migraine, headaches brought by stress can also be eliminated using reflexology.

Relieving discomfort from menstruation & pregnancy

Reflexology can be very beneficial for women during pregnancy, especially with regard to labor lengths, women’s need for analgesics during labor as well as postpartum recovery time. Additionally, as a result of many of the health benefits mentioned above, reflexology can reduce the chances of post-partum depression, help the body heal itself, and get back to its normal metabolic activity faster.