COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Date: 30/04/2021


The Who states the following as potential risks of transmission of COVID-19 from an infected person to another person:

“​Data from published epidemiology and virologic studies provide evidence that COVID-19 is primarily transmitted from symptomatic people to others who are in close contact through respiratory droplets, by direct contact with infected persons, or by contact with contaminated objects and surfaces.”

The symptoms of Coronavirus as stated by​ are:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • loss of taste and smell

The following measures have been put in place to mitigate the risks, the adaptions we have made to practice the new procedures in which the clinic will operate by.  We will be assessing our measures on a weekly basis to adapt to the new pandemic and ensure we continue to minimize risk.

The information in this document will also be reviewed in line with government advice and advice from governing bodies.


If any member of staff, including our therapists, develops any symptoms they are required to get tested immediately. The test should be done within 3 days of developing symptoms, either by home test or by attending a regional test site.

More information and how to get tested: test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/

If a client develops Covid-19 symptoms after visiting the clinic:

If symptoms develop within 2-3 days of visiting the clinic, any person who has had direct contact with the client should self-isolate.

Any person who has had indirect contact with the client is advised of the situation and should monitor their symptoms.

Contact Tracing

All clients are required to be a part of Contact Tracing. All client’s details are recorded in the booking system, along with a record of which days the therapists and receptionists work.  All appointments are required to be booked in advance so that the clinic can manage the Contact Tracing.

Cleaning Procedures

We have assessed the following areas in our practice and heightened hygiene measures:

Therapy rooms will be cleaned between each client:

Door handles, treatment tables, chair, desk, equipment, any surfaces touched during a treatment, floors.

The reception area is cleaned at the end of each day and between staff changeover:

All surfaces, doors and door handle, chairs, telephone, keyboard, computer mouse, card machine.

Other areas will be cleaned after each use:

Toilet seat, toilet flush, all bathroom surfaces, door locks, light switches, banisters, high traffic walls.

We use alcohol sanitizers/wipes of at least 60% alcohol content, using bleach-based products for the floors.

All doors are left open where possible to ensure the clinic is well ventilated and to minimize touching. The last member of reception staff leaving the building at the end of the day will need to ensure that all windows are closed.


All clients are asked to arrive at their appointment time and not before to minimize the number of people in the clinic at one time. Only chaperones required to attend during the therapy session can accompany clients.

  • All chaperones must adhere to the same guidelines as clients.
  • The name and relationship to the client must be recorded in the notes section of the booking for tracing purposes.

There is a 15-minute window between bookings to allow sufficient cleaning of the treatment room and to avoid clients coming into contact with one another.

Social distancing has to be adhered to in the reception area.

All clients will be required to wash their hands upon arrival.

Plastic tubs are provided for clients to place personal belongings. These are wiped out between sessions.


It is the responsibility of the therapist to familiarise themselves with the profession’s specific recommendations and advice.

All therapists must wear different clothes to and from the clinic, ensuring work clothes are transported safely in a cloth bag and always bring a spare uniform.

No watches or any other jewelry can be worn on arms or hands.

Arms have to be bare from elbows down to allow good handwashing procedures.

Hands must be washed on arrival and in between each client.

Consent for treatment and awareness of the risks needs to be documented in the notes. The documentation required will be specific to the profession and, again, practitioners must familiarise themselves with the requirements of their governing body and advise the clinic accordingly.


All clinicians will wear the following PPE:




Gloves (depending on the type of treatment being applied).

PPE will be replaced:

Non-disposable items to be replaced every 4 hours.

Disposable masks and gloves to be replaced between each client or once taken off, and washed at touched by another person.

Reusable cloth masks must be put in a cloth bag and washed at 60 degrees between uses.

All disposable PPE must be placed in refuse sacks and left for 72 hours before being put out for collection.

All non-disposable PPE, as well as uniform, must be washed in 60 degrees was between each use.

Clients are asked to wear masks in communal areas and during sessions depending on the treatment being applied.

Communicating with clients

Updated clinic policies will be published on social media, printed and made visible to all in the clinic, provided along with appointment confirmation via email, available on the website.

The information displayed in the clinic:

Door notices advising a no-entry policy for anyone showing symptoms.

Public health notices e.g. hand washing/sanitizing/catch it, bin it, kill it.