Energetic Face Lift

The energy Face lift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the signs of aging on the face and the whole body. It is an energy body process from Access Consciousness that activates 25 different energies to clear at its source, the roots that cause the signs of aging that appear on the face and body.

60 min - €70

Energy changing what mind failed to


The technique activates the cellular memory, activates the immune system, releases the vibrations that affect the tissues and affect them as well as activates, rebuilds, and renews our system. It can reverse the appearance of aging on the face and body. Beauty is not just about the skin!

The radiance of beauty in a person comes from perception. Do you realize that your body is exactly what you think it is? The more you criticize it, the more your energy is restricted and blocked. This works in reverse depending on aging and signs on the face and body. Are you ready to change “YOU” from the inside out?


What doesn't it include?

  • surgical interventions,
  • injections,
  • needles,
  • Medicines and chemistry
  • Facial muscle exercises
  • Creams, products, and extra costs



Clients who have received Access Consciousness Face Lifting report changes in the following:

  • More radiance and youthful appearance
  • Revitalization and activation
  • Reduction of facial wrinkles, puffiness and lines.
  • Cleaner and healthier, firmer and smoother skin with a glow.
  • Lifting of cheekbones, lifting of eyebrows, neck, chest, and in general the whole body
  • Reduction and reconstruction of scars and marks.
  • Reduction of hair loss and baldness